The almost entirely pictoral fursuit tutorial:
Making a body suit
This is the duct tape dummy I didn't show you how to make. It's a pattern for the body.

This is a seam allowance. Very important. Do this all the way around all the pieces.

This is a back piece. It needs a 1.5" flap that will hide the zipper. You only need this
on one side, not on both.

This is two front pieces pinned together

This is those same two pieces on my very old Singer

And this is those same two pieces all sewn together

Here we have the back piece without the flap. It's been shaved in a 1" strip so that velcro can go on it.

And there's that velcro we mentioned. The fuzzy side goes on this bit. The side with all the little hooks goes on the underside of that 1.5" flap we added earlier. I forgot to take a photo of that bit.

The zipper goes on. See the pencil line there? That's the inside
line of that 1.5" flap. The other side of the zipper is the
edge of the other back piece, the one with the fuzzy velcro.

And we add on the tail, and we're done!

Let's see what we've made